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Useful and interesting resouces

Useful and interesting resouces

Health & Wellness

Easy morning routines for better health

Who doesn’t love sleeping till the very last minute before you jump out of bed, brush your teeth, and get dressed in five minutes before dashing out to work? But if you are looking for simple ways to improve your health, why not try going to bed earlier in exchange for some extra time when you wake up in the morning. You can take advantage of your extra morning time to build up some healthy routines that are beneficial for you both physically and mentally.

Stretching can improve your mobility for the rest of the day

Limber up and stretch your body

Having a short stretching session in the morning can give your body an array of significant benefits. A research conducted by the American Council on Exercise Fitness has shown that stretching and exercising in the morning for at least 5 to 30 minutes every morning would help increase blood flow, relieve muscle soreness and increase flexibility to your knee, hip, shoulder, and ankle joints. For most working adults, being sedentary is the norm, but in the long term, this can lead to numerous chronic health issues. Therefore, get yourself out of bed early and build up your stretching and exercising routine, be it yoga, full-body workout, or even just simple stretches. The AIA Vitality Park regularly hosts yoga and stretching classes for free, so be sure to check out our classes schedule


Eating a healthy breakfast is a great way to kick start your day


Eat healthy to stay healthy

Some say the thing that you look forward to the most when the sun rises is the thing that gives you the motivation to crawl out of your warm, cosy bed… This has to be breakfast! As an early bird, you will have the privilege to make yourself a scrumptious breakfast to kick off the day. However, try to stick to light and clean food choices, such as fruits, as eating fruits with an empty stomach in the morning allows our bodies to fully absorb the nutritional benefits quicker. Instead of scoffing meaty bacon sandwiches or sugary jam and toast at 7 am in the morning, go for some whole foods like a smoothie bowl packed with fibre and antioxidant-rich greens and fruits. To elevate it further, throw in some nut-butters, Greek yogurt, or oats that would keep you satiated for a longer period of time. In order words, these ingredients will help prevent you from snacking on junk food.


Meditation can help improve your focus

Meditate for better mental focus

Meditation is becoming increasingly popular as it provides many benefits to improve mental health. Meditating doesn’t require much time, but its impact on us can be very promising. From stress reduction to lengthening attention span, meditation has been proven to not only ease our mental strains but also improves our productivity at work, so try incorporating it into your morning routine. All you need to do is to get up a bit earlier, spare 10 minutes or so to meditate to enjoy its multiple benefits.

There are so many benefits you can get from getting up early in the morning. Once you experience the positive impact of these morning routines can have on your health, you will be glad you made the positive shift. So go ahead, and try them out today.

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