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Useful and interesting resouces

Useful and interesting resouces

Health & Wellness

Things to avoid for better sleep

While we all know that sufficient sleep is of utmost importance to maintaining our physical and mental health, ironically, sleep deprivation is still very pervasive amongst most urbanites nowadays. It is puzzling that many people choose to sleep late or do things that affect their sleeping quality, even when they are aware of the drawbacks of insufficient sleep. Here are some things that you can avoid to improve your sleep.


Coffee may be tasty but caffeine can keep you up at night


Consuming caffeinated beverages

Drinking caffeinated drinks would give you a boost, and they might be your best friends when you are working late at night. But caffeine will keep you wide awake rolling on your bed in the middle of the night. If you still need a ‘pick me up’, try having it earlier in the day so it doesn’t affect you as much later at night.


Working late at night may keep your mind active even when you want to sleep


Working at night

A lot of people find their inspiration or motivation flooding at their highest level late at night, so they decide to continue working late before going to bed. While there is nothing wrong with feeling best working at night, when you are finally done with everything and ready to sleep, all you will be thinking about will be the next big project. Your brain will keep on running and eventually, you will find yourself not being able to get a good night’s rest. Rather, let your brain relax at least an hour before sleep, and if possible, do your work in the daytime and try not to bring it home.


Phones, TV and other smart gadgets

While many have a habit of scrolling through social media right before bedtime, this may be inadvertently harming your quality of sleep. While phones, television and other gadgets are a great source of entertainment, they could be impairing your sleep. According to research conducted by the American National Sleep Foundation , using technology of all kinds, such as smartphones, gadgets or TVs may suppress the release of your body’s sleep-inducing hormone melatonin, making it more difficult for you to fall asleep. Instead, consider reading a book or spend time talking to your kids or partner.


Overeating may affect the quality of your sleep


Overeating before sleep

Who doesn’t like a hearty meal after a long exhausting day? What about a three-course dinner, sounds fantastic, doesn’t it? But after a big meal, it is likely that your bloated stomach would lead you to poorer sleep because of the potential digestion problems. It is suggested by the American Journal of Gastroenterology that one should eat at least 3 hours before going to bed for better digestion and sleeping quality.

Drinking lots of liquids

You surely do not want to get up several times at night running to the toilet and not being able to fall back to sleep. You would get grumpy, and the grumpier you get, the harder you would be able to sleep again. To avoid this, do not drink water or fluids at least two hours before bed. You will thank yourself when you wake up feeling energised in the morning.

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