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Hong Kong Oberservation Wheel

City in Transition- Important Hong Kong landmarks from 1960-1980

With rapid economic growth and expanding manufacturing industry, Hong Kong was known as one of the Four Asian Tigers along with Taiwan, Singapore, and South Korea. Meanwhile, there was a soaring demand for better infrastructure such as highways, tunnels, buildings, and reservoirs in the city, which not only increased the opportunities for construction businesses but […]

Beyond the Beginning- Important Hong Kong landmarks during the turn of the 19th Century (1890-1920)

Throughout the British colonial period, numerous architectures and landmarks were constructed with western influences, some of which are still standing in the urban city today. Check out some of the iconic 1900s landmarks below! Victoria Peak Victoria Peak or commonly known as just The Peak was primarily a place for summer homes, however when the […]

10 must-eat food in Hong Kong

Dim sum When thinking about the most iconic Cantonese food, dim sum would undoubtedly be the first thing that comes to mind. Dim sum in Cantonese refers to small bite-sized portions of delicate food that is served in small steamer baskets. You can think of them like Chinese tapas. Whether you have a sweet tooth […]

The Hong Kong Peninsula Hotel

Having adopted the Baroque revival style architecture design, this western style, 7-storey building used to be the tallest building in Hong Kong at the time. In addition, located in Tsim Sha Tsui, where ocean liner passengers disembarked and wealthy travellers from Europe stopped by from the trans-Siberian rail link, the hotel had welcomed numerous guests […]

The Kowloon Walled City

  The Kowloon Walled City was first built as a small fort in the Song dynasty, later reconstructed and improved by the Qing government as a Chinese military fort. Since then, the area has become an enclave in Hong Kong. Throughout the 20th Century, there was an influx of criminals and fugitives from mainland China, […]