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Hong Kong Oberservation Wheel

10 things you can do to improve your mood

1. Build up your strength What do you enjoy doing? What is it that you are good at and that you would lose yourself in? Be it a type of sport, music instrument, journaling, cooking or crafting, as long as it is something that would make you happy and mentally occupied, do it more often. […]

Things to avoid for better sleep

    Consuming caffeinated beverages Drinking caffeinated drinks would give you a boost, and they might be your best friends when you are working late at night. But caffeine will keep you wide awake rolling on your bed in the middle of the night. If you still need a ‘pick me up’, try having it […]

3 healthy picnic recipes

1. Avocado Egg Sandwich Avocado is reputed for its rich healthy fat content, which gives you glowing and supple skin. Together with boiled eggs and a mixture of herbs, salt and black pepper, a creamy avocado egg salad is born! As one of the all-time favourite sandwich fillings, this is a must-learn recipe for everyone! […]

Easy morning routines for better health

Limber up and stretch your body Having a short stretching session in the morning can give your body an array of significant benefits. A research conducted by the American Council on Exercise Fitness has shown that stretching and exercising in the morning for at least 5 to 30 minutes every morning would help increase blood flow, […]